Surgery: Left Breast Mastectomy & Lymph Node Dissection


Brandon & I arrived at Moffitt at about 7:15 am. My check-in time was 7:30 am. They called me the night before to let me know that I needed to be in earlier for the nuclear medicine injection in order to do the lymph node mapping.

Check-in was breeze, no wait at all. I did get just enough time to run to the bathroom. 😃 It was almost a 2-hour car ride after all.

We sat in a large living room like area for about half an hour, just long enough to check in on everyone.

Shortly thereafter they called us back. We went into yet another room, this time it was a triage/prep area. I was outfitted with a paper gown, reflective head cap, and hospital socks. I met the anesthesiologist (great Dr by the way). We discussed the medications and my pregnancy. We chose to do skip the sedative part of anesthesia, to minimize the effects on the baby. A nerve block would be placed in the pectoral muscles so I wouldn't have to take so much pain meds at home. I would be sent home with a script for Norco 5/325 and regular strength Tylenol. I was comfortable with this decision and his confidence that it would work out for me.

Dr Lee, the surgeon explained the procedure. I asked how would it be done. Would it be like putting my breast in a guillotine and chopping it off? Would it be like filleted chicken breast? In some sort of sick way, for some reason I wanted to know. Don't ask me why. Curiosity, maybe? Anyway, she said it's kind of like a fillet but she was very good at it and I'd be OK afterward. Plus she promised to stay out of my tattoo as best as possible.

I was wheeled out to the OR at about 9:50 am. It took all of 3 second for the general anesthesia to kick in. I didn't fight it, just counted with the anesthesiologist and relaxed so I wouldn't need the sedative. I fell asleep. I slept like a baby. I woke up 3 hours later, groggy as hell. I asked for my husband. I asked that he be updated and told that I was OK. A nurse told me that Dr Lee had already spoken to him. Surgery was a success. No complications. It took about 2 hours to come out of the anesthesia all the way but it took just that long to have a room ready for me. The recovery room nurse was very nice. She kept asking how I felt, showed me the surgery site when she changed the dressing. It was startling to see. I am as flat as a freaking board where I once had a D cup! I didn't cry, however, I was happy to have the cancer physically removed from my chest.

I couldn't wait to get into the room. I couldn't wait to see Brandon. I know he was stressed waiting for me. I couldn't wait to be able to call and talk to Tristan and make sure he & his brother were OK and for him to know I was OK too.

I called a few people to let them know myself. Brandon called everyone else. I don't remember who all I actually spoke to (great meds).

As I was being monitored, I asked the nurse if I could eat, apparently food was still restricted. I sent Brandon out for Chinese food. I wanted an egg roll and fried rice. I was allowed to eat by the time he got back. He fed me, helped in and out of bed (much better than 1 nurse who put herself and pulled on my left), helped me bathe and get into my own clothes. I wanted out of the hospital and into my own bed as soon as they removed the cath. For the 24-hours+ time period I was kept in observation Brandon left my side twice. Both to get me food or a drink. Seriously, that man deserves a medal or something. Kudos, babe. Thanks for taking care of me. ♡

11/5 - 11/16

Recovery was uneventful. At least from what I can remember. The Norco kept me pretty sleepy. I know a few friends came to visit and many brought meals from the meal train. I received lots of beautiful flowers. It made my house smell like a flower shop. LOL

TiAnna & her grandma made me a mastectomy pillow and a drains apron.
 *This blog shows the pillow & dimensions* You can DIY. It made recovery so much nicer. The pillow was great to sleep with, sit, keep my swollen arm from touching my swollen torso, providing padding for my kids so they wouldn't accidentally touch me. I highly recommend it if you're preparing for a mastectomy. If you are not crafty, you can buy one on Etsy.
The nerve block lasted about 3 days total, I could feel it wearing off. My pectoral muscles started twitching really bad and nerves firing off and feeling them elsewhere. I felt my boob itched when there was no boob to itch. My nipple hurt, again, no nipple actually there. It was the craziest thing. I thought only leg amputees had phantom pains.


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