Chemotherapy, coming right up!
Last week I met with the OB, the Oncologist and the chemo nurse/coordinator.
The baby is doing well. Heartbeat of 158 bpm. She gave me the referral & set up an appointment with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist (high-risk OB). We see him on Monday, the 5th.
At that time they'll do an ultrasound, complete anatomy scan and if baby cooperates we will learn if it is a SHE or a HE.
The oncologists nurse gave me a shopping list of things I will need to get through chemo.
- Soft toothbrush ** An absolute must! Your gums may bleed, a lot, during chemo.
- Tape dental floss ** The waxed tape SUCKS, don't get that kind
- Non-alcohol mouthwash ** I found this site & find the Saltwater Mouth Rinse most helpful
- Oasis dry mouth spray
- Biotene (relieves dry mouth) ** It's been great, especially for that really dry mouth & back of the throat feeling.
- Soft hair brush - Why? I'm going bald. 😒a soft brush feels nice, even on a bald head.
- Water-based moisturizer - I found Udderly Smooth to be the most moisturizing.
- Lip balm ** Chap Stick is alright. I'm open to better suggestions.
- Hand sanitizer ** Regular Purell or anything with alcohol works fine
- Sunscreen - UVA & UVB SPF 30 or more
- Tylenol ** - yup, the only pain reliever I can take on chemo because I'm pregnant. 👍
- Dulcolax ** - Works like a charm. The ondansetron and steroid cause constipation.
- Anti-diarrhea medication - HAHA! In case the same meds have the opposite effect?
- Oral mineral oil
- Calcium supplements
- Iron pills or vitamins with iron I opted not to take them, now I need an iron drip during chemo.
- Gatorade ** - lots of it. I don't like Green Apple and the pink one I'm tired of.
- Boost ** or Ensure shakes - I'm supposed to force one down in the event that I can't make myself eat. Chocolate flavored Boost takes like liquid vitamins. Yuck!
- Paper towels (use to dry hands after washing, as towels hold germs) - Well then.
- Thermometer - I think a baby's thermometer might work. I'm sure I have one somewhere.
- Electric shaver ** - I bought the Remington Women's Foil Shaver
- Cap, scarf - I found a couple caps in Target. The cancer center also has a box full of stuff you can use.
- Lightly tinted sunglasses - Wonderful. I wonder if my insurance will cover this as I need prescription lenses to see past 2 feet from my face.
- Eyebrow pencil - Guess why? 😆 I bought the Benefit Cosmetics Soft & Natural Brow Kit #3
- Bronzer - So I don't look like a corpse, I guess.
I guess I will be going shopping soon. I'm waiting for a call from the surgeon to schedule the port, the hospital to do the echo & ultrasound, and the infusion center with a time for chemo.
This call sent me into panic mode. I went to Publix & the pharmacy to pick up my prescription for Lidocaine & Ondansetron. See list, everything marked with a (**) I bought last night.
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