Biopsy Day
Biopsy day couldn't have come soon enough. Part of me was dreading it but another part of me just wanted to get it over with and know for sure what was going on inside my breast.
Brandon and the boys accompanied me to the appointment. I drove to Celebration Health. That drive which was less than 40 minutes felt like 2 hours. I couldn't get there fast enough. I was excited that I had my boys with me and Brandon to hold my hand through all of it.
As soon as we got there I hauled butt through the hospital to the 2nd floor imaging dept. The lobby was like any other hospital waiting area, plain, sterile, non-exciting. I signed in and filled out a mountain of paperwork (about 10 sheets give or take). Shortly after that they escorted us to a hospital room "private waiting area".
Brandon and the boys accompanied me to the appointment. I drove to Celebration Health. That drive which was less than 40 minutes felt like 2 hours. I couldn't get there fast enough. I was excited that I had my boys with me and Brandon to hold my hand through all of it.
As soon as we got there I hauled butt through the hospital to the 2nd floor imaging dept. The lobby was like any other hospital waiting area, plain, sterile, non-exciting. I signed in and filled out a mountain of paperwork (about 10 sheets give or take). Shortly after that they escorted us to a hospital room "private waiting area".
I expected them to be able to come with me into the biopsy/ultrasound room. Unfortunately, because the room was small, they had to wait in the little hospital room for me to return. <---That totally blew. I really wanted Brandon with me.
Off to the ultrasound room I went with a nurse. It was indeed a tiny room, my closet is bigger than that room. It was a sterile room, with a couple machines one whirring and humming the other one I recognized. The ultrasound machine. I hoped the ultrasound tech would sneak a peek at little bub. No dice. She got right to business, propped my left back & shoulder up with towels so she can get better images. Just a couple minutes later the Dr came in to get started with the biopsy. At this point I am freaking out a bit, a lot actually. I made a few nervous jokes like "Right now, I have no objections to general anesthesia." and "Please don't poke me more than you have to." Seriously, I hate needles! Love tattoos, hate needles.
The nurse and tech joked that everyone says that and hope that my nose doesn't get itchy halfway through. *They jinxed me.*
The Dr prepped the area with alcohol, used a local anesthesia (something like Procaine), draped some dressing and warned me to not breath in this direction. He numbed the area up at 5 o'clock, did that biopsy, the numbed 2 o'clock and biopsy. He was very methodical. The biopsy was the most uncomfortable in the armpit. It shook and he manhandled the area had to poke twice cause the 1st anesthetic missed the target. At one point I looked over to see what the hell was vibrating so much. The biopsy needle was freaking HUGE & there was a lot of blood going into the suction tube and some draining from the site. It was awful! I'm not a queasy person but I that point I almost fainted. The tech noticed, giggled and without missing a beat had an alcohol smelling thing ready to go. Then my nose started to itch! WTF! The Dr was nice enough to use his arm/sleeve to itch my nose. Before I knew it the biopsies were done and he was getting ready to put the site markers in place. This was a quick prick, I was still numb and it was done. It felt like forever, between the biopsy & the follow up mammogram to make sure the markers were in place the whole procedure took 3 hours.
Once we were done the nurse walked me back to the waiting room where Brandon & the boys were waiting for me. I had never been happier to see his face! I was glad this part was over with.
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