Yesterday was a mentally rough day for me. I was focused on my low numbers and just feeling bad for myself. I know to take it one day at a time.
What I haven't done much of is talk about this little fighter who is along for the ride with me.
Baby 3, his name is Logan Chase. I'm now 27 weeks pregnant. I go to the maternal-fetal medicine specialist a week after every chemo session to check on his growth and development to make sure he's doing alright.
Thankfully he's been doing wonderfully! The Dr said he's measuring at the 45th percentile for growth, between the 2 lines on a chart. He weighing about 2 lbs 2 oz. Exactly how they know this is beyond me. I always said ultrasounds are pretty unreliable when it comes to measuring babies. Simply because babies are cramped and scrunched up and it's hard to tell what's what sometimes. But they measure his leg bones, skull, brain, kidneys, stomach, lungs, the umbilical cord, placenta, cervix and at this last appointment they measured my uterine line at the scar from my prior c-sections. So they must know something I don't. (I'm NOT a medical professional. I get my education from Google.)
According to the Dr I could still be a candidate for VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I politely declined. I explained the situation with #2, who was supposed to be a VBAC. I said I didn't want to tempt fate. I'll stick with a planned cesarean given all the other balls in play with this pregnancy.
We discussed a visit to the NICU, to tour and ask my questions to the neonatologist. He told me that while we agrees a talk with the Dr's would be great to put me at ease, their goal is to not need the NICU. Hopefully, if everything goes well we will deliver at 39 closer to 40 weeks. We hope to not have to deliver before 37 weeks, mostly, I hope to not deliver before 37 weeks. I'd like to give Logan the best chances of being fully matured before delivery. If they foresee an early delivery then they'll start steroid injections to help mature his lungs prior to delivery. I believe he said it was 2 shots in a 24 hour period for 2 days. I don't know, at that point I was in a daze. Worrying about a preemie puts my head in a fog. Similar to that one I was in when they told me it was an aggressive cancer, and not growing on hormones.
Anyway, Logan Chase is doing well. I feel him move quite often. He responds to outside stimulus. Brandon talks to the belly and Logan moves and kicks to his voice.
I'm happy he's doing well. I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy. It is my last after all. I can't wait to meet him and for his brothers to meet him. I'm sure Liam will love him even though he may not like sharing my attention. Those two will be about 18-19 months apart. I wonder how that will be. I wonder how Logan will be at birth, how he'll be in a year. I'm looking forward to being a mom of three boys.
I know I'll never have a second to myself or peace and quiet. I've come to terms with that. I love my boys. Besides peace and quiet is overrated.
#momofboys ❤
Logan at 26 weeks 5 days |
Logan at 26 weeks 5 days |
Bump at 24 weeks 5 days |
Logan at 23 weeks 5 days |
Logan at 20 weeks 4 days |
Logan at about 11 weeks |
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