Moving forward:Left Breast Mastectomy

Ahhh! Sorry, I had to scream. I'm very happy right now.
I went to Moffitt Cancer Center today 11/2/16. I met the surgeon and oncologist today. The surgeon was very nice. She explained EVERYTHING; options, risks, benefits, timetables, rationalized her suggestions. I mean she was great! Dr Lee, for anyone who's looking for a surgeon.
Starting with chemo first like Dr 1 had suggested puts me in the 3rd trimester for mastectomy surgery and at risk of preterm-labor. Not only that doing a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction would have me under anesthesia for a long time, which may or may not be safe for the baby.
Dr Lee's suggested a mastectomy and removal of affected lymph nodes. Just a single mastectomy, for now. Because time under anesthesia is short (less than 2 hours), recovery is easier, risk of infection with one wound is less than two, I'll have more mobility being able to use one arm, risk to baby in the 2nd trimester is less,  risk of preterm-labor is drastically less, the list goes on.
Then she scheduled me for Friday 11/4/16 at 9:15am. That's two days from now.
(Talk about fast! Yes, I was happy to hear that.)
After surgery I absolutely can't drive for 2 weeks, at least until the drain is out and I have regained full range of motion. Then for two weeks after that she told me to expect fatigue, low energy periods where I may feel fine to drive early in the day and as my day goes on I won't be able to drive or function at 100% at that point to call in reinforcements and ask for help. She stressed that I will need help, a lot of it. That stressed me out quite a bit. I don't like bothering people or feeling like a bother. I've always been pretty independent. Oh well, we'll figure it out.
After she was done she consulted the oncologist and the original oncologist and scheduled me for pre-op set up. Then I met the nurses and a social worker who gave me more information than I know to do with right now and a care bag for each child to talk about treatment and feelings and distract them. That was very sweet. I'm sure the boys will love their bags.
Then I met the oncologist who introduced herself, did a quick exam, explained what Dr Lee had already told me, answered a couple questions and told me that pre-op anesthesia people downstairs were ready and waiting for me. That part was pretty quick. I answered the same questions three times, drew blood, height, weight, previous surgery. Confirmed surgery time and date and location. And we were done. We got there at 9 am, left at 3 ish pm.
I left happy. I have a rational game plan. Rational decisions and realistic expectations. All in all I'd say that was a good day!
I can't wait! I do have some things to get in order before surgery though. I'll do all that tomorrow.


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