Biopsy Day
Biopsy day couldn't have come soon enough. Part of me was dreading it but another part of me just wanted to get it over with and know for sure what was going on inside my breast. Brandon and the boys accompanied me to the appointment. I drove to Celebration Health. That drive which was less than 40 minutes felt like 2 hours. I couldn't get there fast enough. I was excited that I had my boys with me and Brandon to hold my hand through all of it. As soon as we got there I hauled butt through the hospital to the 2nd floor imaging dept. The lobby was like any other hospital waiting area, plain, sterile, non-exciting. I signed in and filled out a mountain of paperwork (about 10 sheets give or take). Shortly after that they escorted us to a hospital room "private waiting area". I expected them to be able to come with me into the biopsy/ultrasound room. Unfortunately, because the room was small, they had to wait in the little hospital room for me to return. <---That...